Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

Goong a.k.a Princess Hours

Hm... before i tell dramaholic about princess hours, first i have to tell you a good news... what is it??????????

Start from now on i wanna keep english as well as i can in my blog....
This caused by so many visitors from US and Europe... (how good is it?? :) ) so, to get they easier to know all about inside this blog i decided to write in english!!!! Hope you enjoy this change.... hahaha....

Okay let me tell you about Goong a.k.a Princess Hours....

This drama is so cute!!!

Staring Yoon Eun Hye, Joo Ji Hoon, Kim Jeong Hoon, Song Ji-hyo

Hm..... They are so cute....

This is their photo!!

Disini Korea diceritakan sebagai sebuah negara kerajaan!! (finally i give up and write in Indonesian hehehe,...,....,.... i'm so sorry!!)
Problem comes when The King has got sick... so the crown prince Korea name Prince Yi Shin has to become a next king......
Because of that Royal Family decided to menikahkan ( "_" i'm so sorry) Shin with Chae-Kyong........

~ I think it will be better for me if i write in Indonesian, coz i've got so many problems whit this one hehehe!!!!!!!~

Jadilah Shin menikah dengan Chae-Kyeong.. dengan maksud tersembunyi yakni untuk mengerjai keluarga kerajaan!!!!

Sebenernya Shin udah punya cewek yang disuka namanya Min Hyo-Rin seorang balerina yang satu sekolah sama dia..... ~Nb: Shin pernah ngelamar diasebelum Shin memutuskan menerima usul keluarga kerajaan untuk menjodohkannya, tapi ditolak dgn alasan si Hyo-Rin mau konsentrasi dulu sama Baletnya!!~ dasarrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! KALO LADY HAN JADI DIA, Lady Han gak akan buang-buang kesempatan itu!!!!!! Kapan lagi gitu lho kawin sama putra mahkota and jadi putri mahkota????~

Lady Han please!!!! >3< dramaholic kan udah nungguin!!!

Sekarang kita konsentrasi ke hubungan Shin dan Chae-Kyeong....

Gimana critanya kok si Shin Chae-Kyeong bisa dijodohin sama putra mahkota ini???

Nah ternyata sebelumnya kakek masing-masing telah bersahabat baik dan sepakat untuk melakukan perjodohan pada cucu-cucu mereka. Hal ini karena dulu Kakek Shin alias Raja terdahulu punya hutang budi geto sama kakeknya Chae-Kyeong.....

Ternyata lagi mereka berdua satu sekolah....!!!....!!!! sayangnya beda kelas,,,,,
Dan sebelumnya mereka udah pernah saling kenal gara-gara suatu kejadian yang kocak bgt!!!
Jadi waktu Shin lagi ngelamar Hyo-Rin di ruangan tertutup gitu si Chae-Kyeong itu nguping... wakakakaka parahnya lagi ini ketahuan sama Shin.... alhasil...................................(red. nonton aja sendiri ya)

Nah ditengah kondisi yang kayak gitu dateng seseorang yang sebenernya kurang tepat waktu kedatangannya yakni Yi Yool...... Yool itu sepupunya Shin. Dulunya, Yool-lah yang calon putra mahkota..... sayangnya karena ayahnya yang saat itu masih menjabat sebagai putra mahkota meninggal dalam sebuah kecelakaan, dia dan ibunya jadi gak dapet kedudukan apa-apa lagi!!
(Tragis bgt ya... huhuhu Lady han aja sampe mau nangis!!)
Okay, niatnya memang tadinya baik, yaitu mau mengikuti acara kawinannya si Shin (LOL. Kawinan???? Gak salah???))))))))))___

Lanjut, tak usah dipikirkan!!
Nah sayangnya ternyata, si Yool jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama sama si calon sepupu iparnya ini!!!! Hmmmmm.................
Gimana dong lanjutan ceritanya????

Gimana ya?????

Awhh...awh.... sabar Dramaholic!! jangan langsung gebukin Lady Han kayak gitu dong!!
Ternyata makin lama Shin jadi menyukai Chae-kyeong begitu juga sebaliknya.....

Sayangnya, Saat hubungan Shin dan Chae-gyoung mulai memasuki tahap yang lebih serius, berbagai skandal, baik yang disebabkan oleh sikap masing-masing yang keras maupun yang dihembuskan Putri Hye-jong(Ibu Yool , yang terobsesi menjadi Ratudan anaknya kembali menjadi putra mahkota), terekspos ke publik yang kontan langsung bereaksi negatif, dan berakibat semakin merosotnya popularitas keluarga kerajaan.

Suasana semakin panas setelah media massa mendapati Chae-kyoung bersama seorang pria yang tak lain adalah Yool, hingga tidak ada pilihan lain selain menyingkirkan sang calon permaisuri demi menyelamatkan reputasi kerajaan. Namun, bagaimana dengan Shin yang telah bertekad untuk tidak berpisah dengan gadis itu?????

Kayaknya gak seru ya kalau diceritain??? tonton sendiri aja dech!!

About the characters:

Shin Chae-Kyeong (신채경)

Portrayed by Yoon Eun Hye, Shin Chae-kyeong is a very creative and outgoing, normal high school girl. She attends the same school as Yi Shin, the Crown Prince of Korea. Her grandfather was best friends with the previous King. To honor his friend, the previous King dictated that Chae-kyeong is to become the Crown Princess, which means that she is to marry whoever is the Crown Prince at the time of the marriage (Yi Shin) . Although she often seems immature and irritating, she is a kindhearted, innocent, honest person. Often called "Pig" by her younger brother, Chae-kyeong marries the prince because of the promise made between her grandfather and Shin's. Her initial reaction to Yi Shin is one of irritation but she falls in love with him in the earlier part of the series, not knowing that he, in return, feels the same way, until the last few episodes. Although she regards Yi Yul only as a friend and cousin-in-law, he falls in love with her.

Yi Shin (이신)

The crown prince of Korea, Yi Shin, as portrayed by model and actor Joo Ji Hoon, is seen as a smug, indifferent, insensitive young man. After getting rejected by his girlfriend when he proposes to her, he decides to go along with his elders' arranged marriage with Shin Chae-kyeong. At first, he was irritated by her naivete and enthusiasm, but as he recognizes how genuinely sweet she is, he begins to open his heart to her, and falls in love. Throughout the series, it becomes obvious that inside, he is just a lonely, sensitive, warm and kind young man. He also owns a teddy bear, Alfred, the only thing that he can let his guard down for, which is used as a focal point throughout the series. As his cousin re-enters the picture after being forced out of the country many years earlier, the prince quickly butts head with him, as Yi Yul is a contender not only for the throne, but for the crown princess Chae-kyeong's love. Chae-kyeong does not realize this until later on in the story.

Yi Yool (이율)

Kim Jeong Hoon plays Yi Yool, Shin's cousin. He returns from a long stay in England with his mother, the widow of the former crown prince. He is the opposite of Shin, he is warm, kindhearted, sweet, romantic, and charismatic—an instant hit with the girls. Interested in Chae-kyeong, their friendship grows to love on his side, while she remains innocently unaware of it until much later. Although the position of the Crown Prince originally belonged to him, it was given to his cousin when Yool's father died in a car accident and his mother was found to have had an affair with his uncle, who she was originally in love with, but she decides to marry his brother, the crown prince, wanting her son to inherit the title of crown prince. Originally uninterested in the throne, Yool decides to follow his mother's wishes and compete with Shin for the throne after falling in love with Chae-kyeong. In the end, after realizing that Chae-kyeong and Shin truly love each other, and after discovering his mother's affair with the King, he passes up both the chance of being King and having Chae-kyeong as a wife.

Min Hyo-rin (민효린)

Portrayed by Song Ji-hyo, Hyo-rin is a skilled ballerina. She is beautiful, intelligent, accomplished—basically, perfect in every way possible,but she is also poor. Prince Shin and her ballet instructor paid for her tuition fees at school. In the beginning, she is Shin's girlfriend, and he proposes to her. However, she rejects him, not only because she thinks he is joking, but also because she does not wish to give up her dreams of becoming a star ballerina. When she sees Chae-kyeong and Shin's wedding and how Chae-kyeong is loved by the people (similar to Diana, Princess of Wales), she regrets her hasty decision, and does everything she can to oust Chae-kyeong from her position. Hyo-rin finds ways to draw Shin back to her, including a "chance" meeting in Thailand, but simply ends up hurting hers

elf, resulting in atte

mpting suicide by a pill overdose. Later, however, she decides that Shin does truly love Chae-kyeong, and she ultimately gives him up and decides to just

Casts are.........
  • Yoon Eun Hye (윤은혜) as Shin Chae-kyeong
    • Princess Consort to the Crown Prince of the Empire Shin Chae-kyeong (황태자비 신채 경)
  • Joo Ji Hoon (주지훈) as Lee Shin
    • Grand Prince Lee Shin (대군 이신)
    • Crown Prince of the Empire Lee Shin (황태자 이신)
  • Kim Jeong Hoon (김정훈) as Lee Yool
    • Crown Prince of the Empire Lee Yool (황태 자 이율)
    • Grand Prince Lee Yool (대군 이율)
    • Prince Uiseong (의성군)
  • Song Ji-hyo (송지효) as Min Hyo-rin
  • Lee Yoon Ji (이윤지) as Hyae-Myeong
    • Princess of the Empire Hyae Myeong (혜명 옹주)
Best part is........

The last episode.... waktu Shin ngelamar Chae-Kyeong......
and caranya Chae-Kyeong ngerespon keren banget!!! didalem m obil.... "Shin, udaranya sangat panas..... tolong bukakan ini untukku!!!" hua.. dan waktu Shin buka Syall itu... hmmmm dua buah cincin yang untuk Shin ngelamar terpasang apik di leher Chae Kyeong!!! so sweet........
Chae-kyeong juga tidak bisa jika tanpa Shin" Arghhhhhhhhhhhh kreennnnnnn abiezzzz!!!

Ost are....
Perhaps Love (click to download)
Ice Pond (click to download)
A Dancing Tedy (click to download)
Miracle (click to download)

HM...... finally Lady Han says Thanks to Wikipedia, and Lautan Drama to the information and Photos!!!

photo corner!!

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